TimeLine firmware update V1.14

Strymon have released a firmware update for TimeLine. All that is needed to update is a computer and a MIDI interface. All current TimeLine users should apply this update.

The following changes are included in V1.14
• Tap subdivisions are now always applied when TAPDIV is set to something other than quarter notes. Delay time is always displayed in quarter notes.
• The TAP LED now changes to amber color if TAPDIV is set to something other than quarter notes. When quarter notes are selected the TAP LED is green.
• If BPM/Time is currently displayed, it will now still be displayed after banking up/down to change presets
• Dedicated MIDI CCs have been added for control of the looper. MIDI note messages were already supported to control the looper and now CCs can be used if a MIDI controller doesn’t support note messages. The looper CCs have been posted in a new revision of the user manual.
• A few “under the hood” bugs were fixed

The update file and instructions can be downloaded here: TimeLine Firmware Update

This update and any future updates will be available on our support page FAQ

happy shredding!
-the Strymon Team!


Aziz Ibrahim loves his TimeLine


Strymon article in Premier Guitar