Dinosaur rockers need tape echo too!

The guys over at Dinosaur Rock Guitar recently took an in-depth look at El Capistan dTape Echo. We’re happy to report that they were very impressed! Here are a few quotes from the review:

“Having an El Capistan is as if you went out and bought all the best vintage echo machines, and you can run them anywhere from pristine, to road-worn.”

“The El Capistan is a real treat that is guaranteed to put a smile the face of anyone who grew up loving tape echo. We compared it to real tube and solid state tape echo machines, and were able to authentically reproduce those sounds.”

“Strymon truly achieved their goal of offering the discerning player a pedal that accurately emulates the performance and sound quality of many of the great tape echo machines of the past. Better still, they did it at a reasonable price!”

Be sure to read the entire review over at Dinosaur Rock Guitar. They include an interesting history of tape echo machines onward into digital delays, onward to El Capistan!

Click here to read the article


Yosuke Onuma